☆ Serena ☆
Time had passed and it's time that we reflect on what we did... There was a time, just before vacation, we were to read a book and make a book report for Language Arts.
I chose a book called “NEW MOON” by Stephanie Meyer.
After I had finished the book, I did some reflections...


HIS is all about the 5 student outcomes:
  • Effective Communicator
  • Active Learner
  • Critical Thinker & Problem Solver
  • Community Contributor
  • Person of High Character

How am I like an "Effective Communicator"? = One who listens carefully / Communicates...

Effective communicator Sometimes, I have problems with my homework and I just don't know what to do ~ STUCK!
It was then my heroes: the teachers, friends, and my other classmates, had saved me from the miserable thoughts.
I made it and summarized the story into a presentation to give to the class.


How am I like an "Active Learner"? = One who are ready to learn / enthusiastic...

I read the book in 2 days and I took notes on it, while reading.


How am I like a "Critical Thinker"? = One who thinks carefully...

I worked out the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and the resolution. I thought about the story that didn't make sense and some ways to make it better.


How am I like a "Person of High Character"? = One who is kind / Helpful...

There was times, when I helped my classmates on giving them advice for their project.


How am I like a "Community Contributor"?? = One who contributes / share...

I contributed my ideas and thoughts on what I think is the best part and what part of the story needs improvements (based on my opinions). That’s called sharing!!!

Content & Skills & Big Ideas

A: Yeah ~ I have the content of the story (summary), I’d used skills to make the power point easy to understand, and I have my ideas on the last few pages.

Q: Did I learn from what I did?
A: Of course, I learned some vocabularies that I didn't know. I learned some ways that may help my own creative writing interesting.

3 Responses
  1. Lian Tomato Says:

    Very clear and nice and yeah/
    Great to read and keeps the reader interested!

  2. Lian: Hah~ Ok! Thanks~ =]
    Cherine: Thx